• FaktorTel - Providing huge savings with Business VoIP since 2004

FaktorTel and Trixbox or Elastix

Setting up Trixbox to work with FaktorTel is a relatively easy task, as FaktorTel natively supports the Asterisk PBX we can simply add FaktorTel as a trunk to Trixbox and then set your outbound route to send out FaktorTel and it should all work perfectly.
In this tutorial we use the SIP protocol to connect Trixbox to FaktorTel.

When running SIP trunk to your asterisk server contact Support and ask them to send 09xxxxxx number in the invite header so calls authenticate correctly

last updated: Wednesday 20 July 2011

Step 1:

Login to the web interface of your Trixbox Server.

Step 2:

Up the top right of the screen you will see ” USER MODE ( SWITCH ) “, click on the word ” SWITCH ”

Step 3:

Enter in your Username and Password at the prompt. Username is usually ” maint ” ( Without the quotes )

Step 4:

You will be on a new screen now. Hover your mouse over the “PBX” menu item and then click on “PBX SETTINGS” on the menu which appears.

Step 5:

On the side menu click on ” TRUNKS ” which is under ” Basic ” in your settings. Then click on “Add SIP Trunk”

In this menu you will need to enter in your trunk settings. These are listed below.

The settings are as follows:

Trunk Name: ftel

Peer Details

username=YOUR USERNAME ( E.g. username=09123456 )
fromuser=YOUR USERNAME ( E.g. username=09123456 )

USER Context: YOUR USERNAME ( E.g. username=09123456 )

User Details


These are all the settings you require, do not add any other options to Peer or User.

Step 6:

The final setting is your REGISTRATION STRING, right down the bottom of the menu. Again please change the address accordingly if you are prepaid or other.

In the registration string section please enter the following, replacing USERNAME and PASSWORD with your username and password that was supplied to you:


End of settings.

Step 7:

Click on ” Submit Changes ”

Step 8:

Scroll up to the top of the window and you will see an orange bar which says ” Apply Changes ”
please click on this and click ” Continue ”

Step 9:

Once your settings are loaded in you will be connected to the FaktorTel network.


Depending on how you have setup your xDSL connection you may require modification to sip_nat.conf
It is Recomended to turn off SIP ALG and SPI Firewall

For more inforamtion on Application-level gateway

Here’s how to modify /etc/asterisk/sip_nat.conf:

Step 1:

add the following lines.

localnet=       ; RFC 1918 addresses
localnet=         ; Another RFC1918 with CIDR notation
localnet=                ; Also RFC1918
localnet=       ; Zero conf local network

Step 2:

If you are using SIP ALG skip to next section

Step 3:

If you have a staic IP Address

externip = (your static ip address)
Skip to next section

Step 4:

If you have a dynamic IP Address

externhost= YOUR DYNAMIC ADDRESS ( E.g. me.dyndns.org )
stunaddr = stun.faktortel.com.au:3478
externrefresh = 15

How to make an outgoing call now that you are connected…

Now that you are connected to FaktorTel you want to be able to make outgoing calls. This is quite easy.
All you need to do is set an ” Outbound Route “, what this does is tells your PBX where to send calls to.

Here’s how to set it up for FaktorTel:

Step 1:

Click on ” Outbound Routes ” on the left menu of your PBX setup screen.

Step 2:

Click on ” Add Route ” on the right menu.

Step 3:

In the menu which appears, enter in a name for your outbound route, in this case we’ll call it ” Outside ”

Step 4:

In dial patterns ( for Australia ) simply enter ” [0].” ( without the surrounding quotes, so it should be [0]. )

Step 5:

Under Trunk Sequence choose ” ftel “, this is where your calls will go out from which start with ” 0 ” ( such as 07, 08, 09 )

Step 6:

Click on ” Submit Changes ”

Step 7:

Scroll to the top of the page and click on the orange bar and apply the changes by clicking on “Continue” in the menu which appears.

Note: If you would like FaktorTel to handle your dial plan, you can simply put a full stop ( a dot ) in the Dial Patterns section and FaktorTel will set your state allowing you to make calls like you would on a standard handset / PBX.

How to setup your Inbound Calls…

Since you have your connection to FaktorTel all setup and ready to go you can also setup inbound calls. This is a favorite among people who have a number for each staff member in their organisation.

Here is how to do it in Trixbox:

Step 1:

To add an incoming number we need to add an incoming route. To do this on the left hand menu click on ” Inbound Routes ”

Step 2:

Click on the ” Add Route ” link on the top right of the menu.

Step 3:

Type in a name for your route. Lets use ” My House ” here.

Step 4:

Enter in the number provided to you by FaktorTel as the DID Number. E.g. ” 0756306650 ”

Step 5:

Scroll right to the bottom of the menu and click on ” Extensions ” and then choose your extension from the list to the right.

Step 6:

Click on ” Submit ”

Step 7:

Scroll to the top of the menu and click on the orange bar and click ” Continue ” to apply your changes.

Now any time anyone rings your incoming number the extension you set should ring.

Aug 23, 2015   4008   Corey Evans    Asterisk PBX Platform  
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